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A solution for financial planning and investing


Investing and money management are not subjects taught in school, but they're extremely important to our financial health. As someone with a strong interest in personal finance, I remember how confusing it was to begin my journey into investing and money management. I decided to use this opportunity to design a solution to this problem.


App Concept
Product Design

The Problem

The elimination of trading fees from apps like Robinhood, the proliferation of online investing and a widespread perception that supernormal returns can be made are leading to a flood of new investors  in the stock market. In light of this, it is surprising that so many millennials are investing in stocks. Young people are often not as financially literate as older generations. Statistics show that only 24% of millennials demonstrate financial literacy and 34% of millennials are unsatisfied with their current financial situation.

A design challenge emerged

How might we design a product for new investors that is easy to use, empowering and helpful? 


I began my research by conducting qualitative interviews with different types of investors, majority of whom were millennials looking to invest. This helped me understand the perceptions new millennial investors had towards money and the challenges they faced.

Key insights surfaced from my research:

  • Most users did not know how to begin thinking about their financial goals
  • Most lacked clear direction regarding their financial future
  • Investing through trading applications is easier than financial planning

From these interviews and conversations, I created user personas and crafted a journey and empathy map.

Diagram 1.0: Primary Persona. For more information about Myer-Briggs click here and Enneagram Type here
Diagram 1.1: Customer journey map
Diagram 1.3: Empathy mapping
Diagram 1.4: Secondary Persona. For more information about Myer-Briggs click here and Enneagram Type here

I chose to focus on the core user needs that were uncovered:

New investors want an easy way to invest with a foreseeable financial future. They want to know whether its possible to achieve certain goals like buying a house and if so, when and how.


With my main user flows in mind, I began ideating on a product solution that would serve the user. It was important to make sure the experience was cohesive across every touchpoint. This meant designing an intuitive step-by-step process in creating a financial goal from the beginning.

Diagram 1.4: Ideation

By wire-framing, I was able to quickly validate through user testing whether the flow satisfied the user's core need.

Usability Testing

I tested the application at various stages of the project

  • Lo-fi prototypes tested with investors with financial backgrounds to get feedback on functionality, content and flow of app
  • User testing with participants that fit my primary use case

I took the feedback that was given to me and began modifying the application with suggested improvements. Once I had confidence in my design flow, I moved to hi-fidelity prototyping and began defining my brand and visual identity.

Visual Identity

The choice of the application name "Zu" is named after my friend. The choice of a parachute for the app logo is not only homage to his love of extreme sport but a representation of the mission to help people build a path towards long-term financial security.

The objective of the interface was to deliver sound financial information whilst still keeping the app engaging. I achieved this by designing with heavily rounded corners, lighthearted interaction including iOS Emoji 14.0, and a vibrant colour to contrast against a neutral base colour palette

Final Solution

Zu makes it easy to learn about investing and begin investing by setting financial goals

Other Works

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